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Hire a holistic health detective

Holistic nutritionists near me

Why Choose Fun And Easy Health's Detective Services?

  • Custom Solutions: No two individuals are the same, and neither are their health needs. Our health detective approach ensures you receive personalized recommendations based on your unique profile.

  • Evidence-Based Practices: Supported through individual assessments, kinesiology, muscle testing, nerve reflex testing, and research, our recommendations are rooted in evidence to provide you with effective and accurate results.

  • Empowerment: Become the master of your health journey. We empower you with knowledge, tools, and strategies to make informed choices for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Brittany Poliska Integrative Medicine

What to Expect in a Health Detective Session?

  • Please fill out the intake form and liability form, before your initial visit.

  • For your first session: A one-hour visit is recommended to ensure a 20-minute intake, 20-minute consultation, and 20 minutes to create a personal healing plan for you.

  • If you suffer from chronic or intense health problems, you may need multiple visits to optimize accurate healing and may want to consider our package plans. During the healing sessions, you will learn new and effective remedies to apply and benefit your lifestyle. As you learn and heal, visits may become less often for you. My goal is to help your body heal you. If you have any health questions or concerns or to speak with me directly, call, text, or email during business hours. 

  • Set a time for a free 20-minute Zoom consultation

  • Learn more about Integrative Medicine

  • Choose from other health options on the service page

  • Check Out the Shop page for fun remedies.

Certified Holistic Kinesiologist through the Institute of Holistic Medicine

Brittany Poliska Certified Holistic Kinesiologist


Our health coach is certified as a Holistic Kinesiologist who has studied a minimum of 500 hours at The Institute of Holistic Medicine and Interned a minimum of 500 hours with a licensed chiropractor, acupuncturist, doctor, physical therapist, and healthcare practitioner.

My Story: Unveiling the Health Detective Within

Growing up I experienced a deep fascination for the intricate connections between mind and body. In my early twenties, I embraced on a journey exploring the realms of holistic health while overcoming Celiac disease. My curiousity for what cured me led to my passion for becoming a certified Holistic Kinesiologist through the Institute of Holistic Medicine and Health Detective for Fun And Easy Health. I am equipped with diverse skills and techniques to decode the unique mystery within your anatomy.

Why Choose Me as Your Health Detective?

Holistic Approach: I believe the power of a holistic approach to health through integrating the physical structure, nutrition, emotions, spirituality, and lifestyle modalities to create balance, strength, and healing. I offer a wealth of expertise to ensure that every aspect of your well-being is in the pursuit of optimal health.

Expertise in Action: As your Health Detective, I employ a comprehensive set of tools and techniques to investigate and address the root causes of your health concerns. Since 2016, I have helped hundreds of people understand and take the most accurate path to recover their health. With mobile services you can stay in the comfort of your own home.

Old and Young

My grandma has severe medical problems but has been working with Brittany twice a week for a few weeks. After two days she felt better and is now she noticing a huge difference. We are so happy and relieved to found true help. She has a grip on her health and excited about the future again!

Riley and Sophia Jones

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