Fun And Easy Health
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When It Comes To Maintaining Health And Wellness
Let It Be Fun And Easy!
Discover Holistic health care practices such as kinesiology and muscle testing, attend wellness events, and experience miraculous healing opportunities!
To learn more about holistic medicine and how it works have a free consultation or read more here. When you are ready to start your healing journey, hire our health detective to help discover remedies to health issues, provide naturopathic services, and inspire hope and interesting insights.
Our Mission
To make health fun and easy for everyone.
At Fun And Easy Health, we aim to deliver personalized, compassionate care that provides healing, learning, and a ripple effect of truth, love, and joy in the self, the home, and the community.
Monday: 10 am - 4 pm
Tuesday: 10 am - 4 pm
Wednesday: 10 am - 4 pm
Thursday: 10 am - 4 pm
Friday: 10 am - 4 pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED
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